General Session 2: Exelon Outage Reporting & Analytics Platform - Improving Electric Reliability and Outage Response through Reporting and Advanced Data Analytics
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Discover the future of utility outage management with the Outage Reporting & Analytics (ORA) platform – a state-of-the-art Microsoft Azure cloud-based solution that is transforming how Exelon reports on customer outages and key performance indicators across the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. This engaging presentation will cover Exelon’s solution for enhancing electric reliability, streamlining outage response and coordination, and improving customer communications with near-real-time reporting and advanced analytics in Microsoft Azure and Power BI. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how ORA is transforming the future of outage management.

Rick Perez Reggie Lawrence Mark Arrington
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