Business association Cleantech San Diego brings together public, private, and academic leaders from across San Diego to maintain the region’s position as a clean technology leader and advance its collective clean energy goals in collaboration with local utility SDG&E. The organization achieves this by facilitating strategic collaborations across sectors, leading advocacy efforts to promote cleantech priorities, supporting energy entrepreneurs through the Southern California Energy Innovation Network, and encouraging more equitable investment across the San Diego region. The companies they work with offer residential-, commercial-, and utility-scale cleantech solutions spanning smart grid services, energy services, energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, energy storage, and clean transportation.
Hear from President and CEO Jason Anderson about Cleantech San Diego’s impressive 15-year history and how its collaborative approach to business and utility relations continues to bring together the right stakeholders to help accelerate cleantech innovation for the benefit of the economy, the environment, and all members of the community.
7450 Hazard Center Dr
San Diego, CA 92108
United States